- 66Articles
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Leave room for doubt
Koalas, Fires, and Fake News
Lately, reports have spread that Australian koalas were “functionally extinct.” The truth is that they can still be saved.
February 16, 2020 זמן קריאה משוער 5 -
Science Panorama
Sea Lions and the City
What happens when wild animals settle in urban territory, and what we can learn from San Francisco
January 31, 2020 זמן קריאה משוער 9 -
Science Panorama
How are We Fooled?
Why is it so easy for us to believe false reports? How can we avoid falling for them?
March 28, 2019 זמן קריאה משוער 10 -
Science news
Show Me the Phoenician Money
An Israeli study reveals the ancient Phoenician trade routes
February 26, 2019 זמן קריאה משוער 6 -
Science news
Junk Food Interfering with Evolution
Junk food is destroying the boundaries between the finch species of the Galapagos Islands
February 5, 2019 זמן קריאה משוער 6 -
Ask the expert
DNA Hanging by a Hair
What type of DNA is found in hair? What is mitochondrial DNA? Can it be used to identify criminals? Q&A
October 28, 2018 זמן קריאה משוער 6 -
Science Panorama
Our Relationship with Sex
How were myths about pregnancy and childbirth born and who disproved them?
October 25, 2018 זמן קריאה משוער 12 -
Science news
Probably the Oldest Beer in the World
Researchers at the University of Haifa found that residents of the Carmel region were brewing beer as early as 13,000 years ago
September 13, 2018 זמן קריאה משוער 4