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"Shavit" Track for Scientific Excellence

No more excuses: receive from us a box of equipment, workbooks and access to our online materials and advance your students to the next level

Junior-high science class is typically the first time for students to be exposed to high-level physics, chemistry, and biology – with their complexities, challenges, and wonder. This is exactly why it is also the right time to assist students who have already found interest in these subjects, by enhancing their curiosity and motivation to continue studying science also through high school. 

Towards this, we offer schools the Shavit Track for Scientific Excellence. The Track provides students with additional science lessons, in which they will learn science actively, through experiments, games, and specialized workbooks (especially in physics) and activities developed by the Davidson Institute of Science Education.

The teachers, on their part, receive the required equipment for performing the experiments in class, an opportunity to participate in recognized advanced study workshops (“Gmul Hishtalmut”), and close guidance throughout the program. The Shavit Track has succeeded, so far, in creating a community of teachers united by their passion for excellence, sharing among them knowledge and experience acquired through the program. Would you like to become a part of it?   

More information for teachers and principals [Hebrew version]



  • Enhancing the level of science teaching, not just for excelling students, but in the entire school.
  • Promoting the school’s standing in the community and among the parents.
  • Answering the students’, parents’, and science teachers’ demand for such a program.  

Learning methods

  • Enrichment activities extending the topics learned in science and technology under the regular syllabus, with emphasis on physics.
  • All teaching is conducted by the teachers of the school, who receive continuous training and personal guidance.
  • The activities are based on students’ doing lab work, either independently or in groups (hands-on science approach).
  • The track focuses on acquiring research skills by learning from experience, while meeting the requirements for excellence, encouraging curiosity, and developing mathematical ability and high-level thinking.

For further information, visit the Hebrew site


Team Members

Program Director: Dr. Einat Sprinzak
Pedagogy Coordinators: Meirav Bass, Vered Shapiro, Sawsan Ailabouni, Sharni Chernyak, Odeya Assaya
Administrative Director: Chagit Natan

For more information: +972-8-9378300

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