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When Judo and Physics Go Head-to-Head

What's the secret behind performing judo moves properly? Why is it so important to fall down correctly? There are some fascinating scientific phenomena behind it all so come on, it's time to get some first-hand experience!

Judo is a modern Japanese martial art that combines elements of physical fitness, coordination, and discipline. In Japanese, the word "judo" means "the soft way". During this workshop, we will learn how is it that while we are practicing judo moves, rolls and falls, we are also experimenting with scientific phenomena and laws from the worlds of physics, biology, and even chemistry.

By understanding the relevant scientific principles behind the basic judo moves, we will learn how to perform them better.


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2nd and 3rd-grade students


Four weekly sessions on Wednesdays, from 16:15-17:30. The first session will be held on May 13, 2020. Please note: The May 20 session will be held from 16:30-17:45


The Shoham Club on the Shoham Complex, north Davidson campus, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot


300 NIS


Simply click on the registration link below and follow the instructions on the online form. Hurry – the number of students per class is limited! 

Register here

Team Members

Instructor: Nicole Pillemer Koch


For more information: +972-8-9378300

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