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What Would Happen if the Earth Were Flat?
Trees growing at an angle, a vast ocean surrounded by a huge desert and bizarre basketball
July 20, 2023 זמן קריאה משוער 5 -
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The Physics of The Figure Skater's Spin
How do figure skaters spin so elegantly? The answer lies in a simple physical principle
February 14, 2022 זמן קריאה משוער 3 -
Science Panorama
A Decade of Science
Microbiomes, big data, the Higgs boson, and brain-computer interface
April 9, 2020 זמן קריאה משוער 12 -
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How are hurricanes formed?
Is global warming increasing the occurrence of more destructive storms? Can we stop or divert a hurricane?
October 31, 2017 זמן קריאה משוער 5